Monday, December 10, 2012

Chanukah 5773/2012

I'm a sucker. I just can't keep good things to myself. If I have something good to tell you, I can't save it; I have to tell you immediately. And so it is with presents. A holiday like Chanukah--where, if you do gifts, you do a gift every night--is torturous for me because I can't parse out the presents. Everything has to be opened immediately so that all the awesome can hit a person at once.

Jonah and Netanel with their new Spider-Man toys.
Me and my boys, Jonah, age 6, and Netanel, age 7.

I started off strong, letting the kids open just one gift each. But then Jonah asked if he might also be getting a Lizard Man toy to go with his Spider-Man. I felt my resolve slipping. And then I thought, "Oh, well, it's going to get cold so I really should give them their new slippers....." And so they just opened everything.

Netanel with Green Goblin and Jonah with new house slippers. Both got new slippers for the winter.

Jonah's crazed excitement over his new Lizard Man toy.

Here they are, second night of Chanukah. Jonah's showing off the last piece of gelt to eat, while Netanel celebrates that his candles stayed lit longest.

We've been celebrating Chanukah with gifts and candy and cherry-cheese wontons, a new favorite for the kids. I think we'll be breaking up all the dairy with chicken tonight. Our stomachs are over all this cheese!